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Environmental Management System

When Delta Electricity received third party certification to ISO 14001 in June 2002 for all its power stations, it became the first electricity generator to achieve this goal in New South Wales.  Certification has been maintained at Vales Point Power Station. The ISO 14001 international standard outlines best practice processes to manage environmental impact, and achieve continuous environmental improvement. 

The ISO 14001  “best practice” specifications for implementation of an Environmental Management System ensures a consistent approach is taken to integrate environmental management at all levels of the organisation.  The elements of this approach are the 

  • identification of significant environmental risks
  • identifying and maintaining awareness of relevant environmental legislation
  • assignment of roles and responsibilities
  • establishment of procedures for internal and external communications
  • establishment of procedures for monitoring and measuring environmental performance
  • setting and reviewing objectives and targets for improving environmental performance
  • monitoring and measuring environmental compliance and community inquiries
  • setting and reviewing management system programs for achieving objectives and targets
  • provision of environmental training aligned to skill requirements
  • review of environmental management performance for continual improvement.